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Toddler 1-2 years

Parent and Child at the Supermarket
It's time for parents to take the lead.

Your toddler is no longer a baby and can start eating meals with the family. At this age, parents need to have clear rules around mealtime to prevent problems like grazing and picky eating.  The most important thing a parent can do is sit down and eat with their child for meals and snacks.  

Feeding tips for toddlers

Wean from the breast or bottle

Your baby should be weaned from the bottle by 18 months.

Using the bottle too long can affect your baby's speech and cause cavities.

Watch this video to learn more.

Weaning from the bottle is hard!

This video gives some tips and tricks for bottle weaning.  

Switch to cow's milk

At 1 year it's time to start your baby on cow's milk instead of formula or breast milk.  Watch this video to learn why cow's milk is the best option.

Avoid juice and soda

Juice and soda have too much sugar for your baby.  Never give soda and limit juice to 1/4 cup per day.  Serve juice in an open cup, never let a child sip on juice in a sippy cup or bottle; that can cause tooth decay.  This video from 1,000 days is a great visual of what your toddler can drink.

Eat meals with your child

The ONLY way to teach your child to eat healthy is to make meals and sit down to eat them with your child.  This video explains why.

Prevent Picky Eating

Many kids become picky eaters between ages 1 and 3.

You can prevent this by always feeding your child the same thing you are eating.

Watch this video to learn more.

Prevent Choking

Always make your child sit down while eating.  Avoid giving your child hard round foods or cut them to a safe size.


The "2 year" video is available through your Family Advocate

In this 10 minute video you will learn:

best foods for 1 year olds

foods to avoid feeding 1 year olds

how to feed 1 year olds

how to teach healthy habits

Keeping your toddler safe


Ask your Family Advocate to schedule a visit with the Registered Dietitian.


One-on-one consults are available over zoom.

Almost any time or day can be accommodated.

Common Topics to Discuss

picky eating

understanding toddlers

how to feed toddlers

child friendly feeding tips

elly satter videos.jpg

Ellyn satter videos

The following short videos (about 1 minute each) are available through your Family Advocate


Introduction 1:20

Toddlers learn to be part of the family. Structure is critical.
Zoey 30 mo 1:46

Positive toddler meal. Orderly behavior.
AJ 24 mo 2:53

Positive toddler meal. Squirmy, messy, talkative toddler
Isabella 24 mo 1:43

Fussing by grandmother. Toddler quiet, reserved.
Janelli 24 mo 1:25

Pressure to use fork, child (-) reaction. Struggle undermines eating.
Gage 26 mo 2:21

High parent interference. Child poor eating, distress, tantrum.
Luke 34 mo 1:59

Positive meal. Pressure at the end to finish food. Compliant child.
Drew 21 mo 2:24

Dinner for children only. Dessert strategy.
Gage 26 mo 0:32

Snack timing. Small snack to tide over for dinner.
Seve 19 mo 2:49

Positive family meal, negative end—child disrupts parents’ meal.
Summary 1:14

Division of responsibility. Structure, chances to learn, no pressure.


injoy videos

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