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The Weekly Spread

Happy New Year!

If I could make one New Year Wish for every DDI Vantage family, it would be that once per day, their parent(s) turn off all electronics, and sit down to eat a meal with their child. Research shows that kids who have screen-free family dinners at least 5 times per week do better academically, socially and emotionally. Family dinner isn't just about healthy eating, it's about taking time to connect with your little ones.

The goal for this blog is to motivate you to sit down and eat with your family. Planning, preparing and cleaning up after meals is hard work, I want to try and make it a little easier for you by giving you ideas of simple meals to cook.

This week, I'm making some easy comfort foods for my family. I hope you see something here that you want to try:

Monday: Baked Eggs w/frozen broccoli & leftover holiday ham + sliced apples

Tuesday: One Pot Chicken and Rice + canned green beans + oranges

Wednedsay: Cottage Cheese & Broccoli Lasagne + canned applesauce

Thursday: Hummus + a new recipe for Beef Kwarma + naan bread from the freezer + frozen mangoes

Friday: fondue + veggies for dipping + apples for dinner + bread for dipping

Saturday: New crock pot white bean soup recipe. I found it in a food magazine and don't see it online. If it's good I'll make a webpage for it.

Enjoy the fresh start of your new year! Let me know if you have any nutrition questions you would like me to answer on the blog this year!

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